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Tabbasum Mullani

White Structure

Aligned Living Program

My dear one, 


Every month I have an opportunity to offer personal one-on-one time to select few clients. I adore working one-on-one and it nourishes my soul along with my other projects and commitments. 


My deepest wish is to nurture your spiritual path through my work and if you feel a compelling calling to work with me, I am here to offer you a unique opportunity to engage with me directly.


I can be most helpful if you come to me with a particular request or two - whatever those may be. As a energy facilitator, with your permission I shall have access to your energetic records, patterns, past lives, patterns of your lineage, your karmic knots, the talents of your soul, chakras, auric fields and much more. This allows me to quickly diagnose any blocks & challenges in your energy and help address their root cause. During the session we will do deep intuitive healing, rewrite any negative patterns or events that come up, release stuck emotions, shed light on your blind spots and so much more. Each session is unique and guided by higher spirits. My sessions are channeled from my higher soul and you will receive guidance from your Higher Self providing answers to any questions you may have. 


Requests for sessions can vary from material concerns like "How can I triple my business?" to deeply spiritual inquiries such as "What is my purpose?" I address the full spectrum.


If my work resonates with you and this offering feels like a calling - you are welcome to connect with me now. 


With all my love,


                                                                            There are no coincidences!

                                      You sought help from the Universe, and the Universe led you here.


White Structure

                                                                            There are no coincidences!

                                      You sought help from the Universe, and the Universe led you here.


White Structure

What clients are saying

- Mona Saad

I had the privilege of working with Tabbasum, and the experience has been transformative in every sense. As an energy facilitator, her ability to tap into and harmonize my energy fields has brought a profound sense of balance and clarity to my life.


I am an intuitive person myself, and I have a very sharp sense of who is genuine and who is not, and I can tell you that Tabbasum is the real deal.

Her intuitive insights are incredibly accurate. Tabbasum is not just a coach but a true healer and guide. 


She has a rare gift of connecting with people and bringing out the best in them, and I am grateful for the positive impact she has had on my journey. If you are seeking genuine transformation and a deeper understanding of yourself, Tabbasum  is the coach you need.

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